Vision and Strategic Objectives
Gardeen Housing Association’s Vision is that the Barlanark community is a safe and inclusive place where people are proud to live, with good housing, an attractive environment that is clean and well cared for, and better opportunities to help people to achieve a good quality of life.
The Management Committee remains strongly committed to Gardeen continuing as a fully independent housing association that focuses all of its energies and resources on the community that it serves. This commitment is rooted in the Association’s past achievements, future ambitions and capacity and, most importantly in meeting the needs of Gardeen tenants and community.
Gardeen’s Strategic Direction
The overall path Gardeen will take between 2024 to 2027 is to:
1) Consolidate and improve our core business as a social landlord, through service excellence and investment in tenants’ homes.
2) Preserve community ownership of Gardeen’s assets and our status as a fully independent and thriving community-controlled housing association.
3) Act as an effective community anchor organisation for the Barlanark community, working closely with partners and the community for the benefit of Gardeen residents.
4) Seek opportunities for modest growth through new housebuilding, based on acceptable partnership arrangements and rigorous financial and risk appraisals. We will only proceed with opportunities that satisfy all of these conditions.
Gardeen’s Strategic Objectives 2024 to 2027
Over the next three years, the Management Committee has set the following objectives:
1) To provide a quality, personal service that tenants and residents value highly and that helps to foster pride in our community.
2) To provide affordable homes that are managed and maintained to high standards.
3) To manage and invest in tenants’ homes so that they are safe, warm and in good condition and meet all statutory and regulatory requirements.
4) To maintain constructive engagement with our tenants and be directly accountable to them.
5) To work with the community and local partners, to support activities and services that residents and the community need.
6) To maintain our capacity to deliver for tenants and the community by ensuring we are well-governed, financially resilient, and prudent in our management of risks.