Your Tenancy

Your Rights and Responsibilities

All of your rights and responsibilities as a tenant are detailed in your Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement (SST). The SST is a legally binding document and you must adhere, as we must, to its conditions. Please refer to your SST for your full rights and responsibilities. A draft SST will be sent to you if you receive an offer of rehousing. More information about your tenancy is in your Tenant Handbook. View our Tenant Handbook

Tenancy Sustainment

We aim to minimise tenancy breakdown, prevent homelessness and promote stable and sustainable communities through:

  • Prevention - ensuring that before and after a tenancy is started, steps are taken to identify issues which could affect tenancy sustainment;
  • Tenancy Support - liaising with and signposting to appropriate agencies to ensure that individually tailored support is provided where required throughout a tenancy, catering for changing needs of household members; and
  • Partnership Working - establishing partnership arrangements with agencies who are able to assist in sustaining tenancies where appropriate.

Please contact a member of staff if you are experiencing issues which are making it difficult to sustain your tenancy or you require any advice or support.

Ending Your Tenancy

You must give at least 28 days notice to end your tenancy. Please download a Termination of Tenancy form which should be completed and returned to us. The day we receive this form is the day from which your notice period begins.

Mutual Exchanges

Please download a mutual exchange leaflet which explains the process of mutual exchanges and complete a Mutual Exchange Application Form if you wish to apply.  If you would like more details or any of these forms sent out, please contact the office (call 0141 771 9590 or drop in). 

Resident Consultation

We carry out a full resident satisfaction survey every three years. A full survey will be carried out by Research Resource in 2024. In addition, we may also carry out 'mini' surveys on specific topics. There are many other ways to become involved, for example, via our newsletter, the Gardeen App, our website, come along to our Annual General Meeting or you can join our Consultation Register. If any policies are being reviewed we will email you a copy and request your feedback.  You can view the Resident Satisfaction Survey results for 2021. You can also view a list of the policies currently under review.

Note: Information on how we handle and use your personal information that you provide to us is included within our privacy policy.