Role of Committee

What Is Gardeen Housing Association?
Gardeen Housing Association operates within the Barlanark area. Volunteer members, most of them local tenants, run the Association. The main principle is that volunteers have the good of the Community at heart and wish to help make Gardeen a better place to stay. We do not trade for profit. Any surplus income is invested in order to pay for future repairs to the properties.

A Management Committee elected from its membership runs the Association. The Management Committee makes all the important decisions about what the Association should be doing and how this should be done. Staff are employed by the Management Committee to act on these decisions and to carry out the day to day work of the Association.

The Management Committee is committed to improving performance to ensure that a quality service is provided to tenants, customers and applicants. As all the committee members live in the Gardeen area they understand the importance of a good service.

The Association is always keen to attract new members onto the Management Committee. If you would like more information on what committee membership involves, please read the details below and contact Roslyn at our office to discuss.

Who Is A Member?

Gardeen Housing Association's membership is made up of residents from the Gardeen area. Any resident of Gardeen can become a member of the Association as long as they are 16 or over. Life membership costs £1 and you will remain a member as long as you reside within the area.

The benefits of membership are that you can vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and possibly be voted on to the Management Committee. By being a member you can influence how the Association operates and play a major part in making decisions on how to continue the management of the area. Please click here for a Membership Application form to complete and return to our office.

How Do I Become A Committee Member?

If you are elected onto the Management Committee you will be able to sit on the various committees and working groups which have input into the running of the Association.

Firstly you must already be a member of the Association. To become a member you need to complete a small application form and pay £1. The Management Committee will consider your application and if approved you will then become a Member.

Secondly, the usual way to become a Management Committee Member is to be elected at our Annual General Meeting. To stand for election you will need to fill out a Nomination Form and deliver this to the Association's Office at least 7 days before the meeting. At the meeting your nomination will be raised. If there are more nominations than available places then there will be an election and all the members present will vote for each person. The person with the most votes will be elected.

Alternatively, if you decide you wish to become a Member during the year you can be invited to fill any Casual Vacancies that may exist. You would however need to be formally elected at the following AGM.

Thirdly, the Management Committee may ask to co-opt you onto the Management Committee if you have specific skills and knowledge that you could contribute to the running of the Association.

What Does A Committee Member Do?

The Management Committee is made up of Members and includes a Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. These positions are filled annually after every AGM. Staff are employed by the Management Committee to act on these decisions and to carry out the day to day work of the Association.

How Does The Management Committee Work?

The Management Committee meets on a monthly basis to discuss the strategy of the Association. Committee members receive quarterly reports on property management reports and finance. Four special meetings are held every year to discuss the ARC, financial planning and risk, the Assurance Statement and Planning Day. There are currently no sub Committees.

Code Of Conduct

Gardeen Housing Association has a Code of Conduct for Committee Members. All Committee Members are asked to sign this Code on their election or appointment to the Management Committee. This code details the expected standards to which our Committee Members must work.

Interested In Joining?

If you wish to join the Management Committee then please contact the Association's Office for more information.

Is Joining The Management Committee The Only Way To Get Involved?

No. There are lots of ways in which you can get involved:

1. You can become a member.
2. You can come along to our close meetings or attend wider role tenant meetings.
3. You can become involved in the various consultations that we hold.
4. Reading our newsletter and if you want you can write articles for it as well.
5. You can let us know when we are getting it right - and getting it wrong!
6. Join our Customer Focus Group

You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and keep up to date with us on our website.

Gardeen Housing Association wants to put control of the housing service into the hands of the residents. We want to give you a chance to get your voice heard and stay up to date with what is going on in your area. We need you to help us achieve this.