Key Committee Decisions

Key Committee Decisions

The Management Committee make the decisions that affect Gardeen Housing Association.

Key decisions that were made from April to June 2019 include:

 Accepted internal audit report on security of information and personal information

 Approved audit plan with new finance auditors -Chiene and Tait

 Approved additional training for Treasurer

 Discussed complaints received in 18-19

 Approved Register of Interests for Committee 18-19

 Approved Management accounts to 31 March 2019

 Approved Changes to Finance Regulations and Financial Procedures

 Approved 30 Year financial Projections

 Approved a five year budget

 Approved the loan submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator

 Approved Treasury Management Report

 Approved the Annual Return against the Charter ( ARC)

 Approved Energy Return to the Scottish Housing Regulator

 Approved Risk Management Policy

 Approved action plan on Freedom of Information

In addition the Management Committee attended training on:

 Loans and Investments (Treasury Management)

 Mental Health

 Appraising the Director

 Recruiting Staff

If you would like to find out more about joining the committee then please contact the office for more information. Training and support is provided.